Manage product plans

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We offer Free, Standard, and Premium plans for Jira products (Jira Software, Jira Service Management, Jira Work Management) and Confluence. Billing admins can manage product plans for Atlassian Cloud products from your site’s Administration at For details, see Jira Cloud plans and Confluence cloud plans.

Change product plan

To change your product plan:

  1. Go to Select your billing account if you have more than one.

  2. Go to Subscriptions from the side navigation.

  3. In the subscriptions table, find the product you want to change the plan for, and select Manage.

  4. On the Subscription details page, select Change plan.

  5. On the Plan selection page, compare and select the plan you want.

  6. After you agree to the Atlassian Cloud Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, select Agree and start trial.

To change to Enterprise plan, contact support, and we will reach out to you.

Moving from a paid plan to a Free plan

When you move from a Standard or a Premium plan to a Free plan, the changes happen immediately. We don’t refund any remaining days left in your billing cycle. You’ll also lose access to the features specific to the paid plan.

If you’re changing from Premium to a Free plan, it’ll also remove any sandbox instances of your product.

If you have exceeded the maximum user limit for Free plan, reduce the number of users using your product and then continue with the plan change. To remove a user from a cloud site, see Remove or suspend a user.

You’re unable to change to a Free plan if you make annual payments — To change to free, contact support to switch to monthly payments.