Cancel a subscription

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Cancel a subscription

Billing admins can manage subscriptions for Atlassian cloud products and paid apps from their site’s Administration. If you have any free apps installed, they won’t be shown in the billing section.

To cancel a subscription for a product or paid app:

  1. Go to Select your billing account if you have more than one.

  2. On the Subscriptions page, find the subscription you want to cancel and select Manage.

  3. Select Cancel subscription, then review and confirm your cancellation.

Once your subscription is canceled, it’ll appear on the Inactive tab on the Subscriptions page.

Impact of cancellation on your bill

If you’re canceling a subscription in the middle of a billing cycle, your cancellation will be effective at the end of your current billing cycle, and you won’t be charged again. See how to undo a scheduled cancellation

We don’t offer any credit for canceling a subscription prior to the end of a billing cycle.

Product subscription cancellations

  • Product subscriptions on the Free plan will be canceled immediately.

  • Any sandbox instances of your product will be permanently removed and data deleted after the cancelation. More about managing product sandbox

  • If you're on a no-cost trial of a Standard or Premium plan, canceling your product will also end your trial.

App subscription cancellations

After a paid app has been canceled, it can be uninstalled from Apps > Manage apps.

Product and app subscription cancellations

When you cancel a product that has apps installed, the app subscriptions will also be canceled.

Impact of cancellation on your data

Data for product subscriptions on a Free plan is stored for 15 days, while data for product subscriptions on paid plans are stored for 60 days. If you reactivate your subscription within this period, all your data and settings will be retained.

If you’d like a backup of your data, see import and export data.

If you want an immediate deletion of your personal data, you can place a request.

Data retention policies for app subscriptions are not controlled by Atlassian. The data retention period and reactivation time period are set by the partner based on their policy and procedure.

Undo a scheduled cancellation

If you cancel a subscription in the middle of a billing cycle, the cancellation is scheduled and will take place at the end of your current billing cycle.

To undo a scheduled cancellation:

  1. Go to Select your billing account if you have more than one.

  2. On the Subscriptions page, find the subscription that’s scheduled for cancellation and select Manage.

  3. Select Undo cancellation, then follow the on-screen instructions.

When you undo a scheduled cancellation, your billing date stays the same. So, instead of canceling your subscription at the end of the current billing cycle, we’ll charge your chosen payment method.